The Hawaiian Spirituality class was extremely informative and valuable. It helped to explain concepts that I didn't quite understand, and actually debunked some inaccuracies that I assumed to be true. Most importantly, this course helped me to better understand 'what is' and 'what is not' appropriation and the importance of helping repair the erasure of Hawaiian culture. Aly is an engaging, honest, and informative instructor and this course is exactly what I needed as I prepare for my next trip to Hawai'i. I encourage anyone who plans to visit or work in Hawai'i to take this course.
I’ve taken a few classes with Bearbridge now, and I LOVE the way Aly teaches, their style and humor is such a refreshing take on what everyone treats as h-e-a-v-y, and it really makes the material easier to digest. I recently completed the Intro to Black Magic class and it was amazing! I learned so much, and the way that the material was presented was clear and thorough. The class really helped to clear up and define some things, and I especially appreciated the way that all religious systems are honored and no individual is shamed for their path, while not shying away from the damage that religion (especially certain ones) have affected the Arts and our people. I look forward to learning more through this amazing Mystery School of the occult. Huge thank you to Aly and the other instructors for your presence and work in this world.
The Cryptozoology class was so much fun. Aly was an energetic, enthusiastic, and amusing (couldn't think of an e-word for this) presenter and I learned a lot from the course.
Another fun class with Val, really makes me want to take the full genie course
Aly is amazing! All of the classes at Bearbridge are full of valuable information. I have taken classes at Bearbridge since Dec. 2021 and plan on taking classes forever and ever 😊 I am so happy I found this wonderful and inclusive environment where I am accepted for being me - all of me. Thank you Bearbridge!
I took an Intro to Kundalini workshop and it provided WAY more information than I was expecting for a free intro class! If you get the chance to take any of these courses (free or otherwise) I highly recommend it. The instructor, Nori, had a beautiful Kundalini practice and the only thing I wish is that I could have gotten a recording!
The Thelema class was so interesting! Bill is a wonderful teacher who was very knowledgeable about the subject. I learned a lot about a subject that I’ve never heard of before.
Absolutely loved the class covering What the Bible says. The research done by Ms Val gave insight into a book that is often misinterpreted to maintain a status quo.
The Luciferian class was extremely informative and it helped me to understand what it is and clear any misconceptions I had prior to this class. Very interesting class that held my interest the entire time!
I had a lot of fun in this class despite not being skilled enough just yet to journey. Aly and my classmates welcomed me to stay as an observer and I was still able to learn and make progress. I hope to take this class again when my skills develop more.
I’m a solitary practitioner who started by researching—book reading, apps, youtube, some etsy grimoires and books of shadows, and trial and error. But my skills and knowledge really deepened from taking Aly’s classes. He creates an atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance for all perspectives, and even though resisted, I quickly found myself part of the Bearbridge community. There’s so much to be learned from him and his students. He is such an excellent teacher, leader, and demonstrator. His assignments make you think *and* get hands-on practice. The Year-in-a-Day course really boosted me out of a mental block. The Mediumship and Psychic Development course gave me so many more skills and a path for improving them. And the kitchen witchery reinforced my knowledge and was beyond fun. He makes everything so personalized by giving you a general topic and having you find or create spells for your situation and interests. I can’t encourage you enough to take a course or two and see where it leads you.
It is a blessing to have found Bear Bridge! I enjoyed the Mediumship class and grew so much from the experience. Aly encourages us to embrace our differences as psychic mediums, coloring outside of the stereotype/ lines of what it looks like to be psychic. He helped me understand my gifts and how to use them. What you learn from this class isn't regurgitated information like most stuff online. This course is a synthesis of Aly's own experience and teachings taught in such an approachable and authentic way. I enjoyed this course, and also the supportive community at Bear Bridge. I look forward to taking more classes!
Starting a new practice can be scary and intimidating but the environment created by Aly as well as other students was very welcoming. I had no idea what to expect when I started taking Aly's courses. Mediumship and Introductory Psychic Development and Year & a Day to Becoming a Witch were amazing courses and both exceeded my expectations. I can honestly say Aly is a great teacher. His classes are fun, interactive, and he is very knowledgeable. Even after you are finished with a course, you still get to be a part of a community.
My truth today is that not all teachers are created equal. I have been on this path for a looooonnnnnnggggg time. I have worked and mentored with many teachers. Yesterday we had our "reading" with Headmaster Aly to determine our "clair" strengths. Many apologies Headmaster Aly for traveling to a different memory, but the confidence it provided is unmatched in my work with all the other teachers. Additionally, understanding how they all work together and what is oversensitive was new found knowledge, and knowledge is power. Here comes the Spiderman quote. Just kidding. But in all seriousness it felt refreshing to feel like I was not making it up and that my brain / ego has finally gotten out of my way. I needed to put my truth out there in a huge thank you. Thank you Aly for giving me something no other teacher has been able to do, and understanding of who I am and that my path as a healer is important to this universe. So, now, where and when is that Shamanic Training happening.